Bay Area Musicians: Be a FEATURE on Lee's Bulletin Board! got play dates? want to promote your cd? Tell ME -- I won't tell anyone -- okay, I WILL tell EVERYONE -- include photos, reviews, links to your website and join the happy, peppy people on:
Welcome to Lee's Sax Worx - The Berkeley Saxophone Quartet   Tony Gallardo (alto), Mike Young (tenor), Art Brockmeyer (soprano), Arthur Maxwell (baritone)
Bay Area Saxophonist Rob Sudduth has a new release on A-Records. Hear selections from Rob's new CD,   "Just One Of Those Things...Music Inspired By Frank Sinatra"
Welcome to Lee's Sax Worx - Jeff Sanford
Welcome to Lee's Sax Worx - Bobbie "Spider" Webb
Welcome to Lee's Sax Worx - Clarence Clemons
See the movie! Clarence Clemons featured in the sequel to "THE BLUES BROTHERS", starring Dan Ackroyd.
"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we
got a full tank of gas, half a pack of
cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing
sunglasses."   [Dan Ackroyd from The Blues Brothers]
Pharoah Sanders - Welcome to Lee's Sax Worx
Charles Neville Points the Way to Lee's Sax Worx